Friday, May 15, 2009

The sun is back

After a one-day hiatus, the sun is back. Which means the lawn, happily watered by yesterday's rain, will leap up another few inches under today's rays.

The wonders of wireless means I can use the laptop on the porch. It's OK for blogging, but the glare on the screen makes it too difficult to work, so I'll be headed back inside. Molly doesn't understand why Bear won't play.

After a few attempts, and a good swat from Bear, she gives up to go dig holes under the pine tree at the foot of the steps, leaving the porch to Bear and myself.

We are clearly too boring for a puppy whose morning walk is never long enough!

I'm almost done with photos. I have two large piles left to go, so I went to pick up another album. When I got there, the type of album I am using was almost all gone, so I purchased two. That should take care of the next few years of new photos.

It's awfully nice to just be able to put new photos right into an album rather than have them kick around loose for...decades. Yet another time-and-clutter saver.

So that's the schedule for the weekend: Finish photos, mow the lawn (as always), scrape and paint the front fence, take trash to the transfer station, catch some kitties at the track, clean the house, feed kittens...

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