Saturday, May 16, 2009

Is midnight fun time?

Well, after work I finished up the photo albums (except for printing off my Key West photos to add) and scraped and painted two sections of fence. Ten more to go! I took a half hour to sit on the porch with Molly and a glass of wine. Once the sun inched toward the horizen, Molly and I drove into Ithaca to Petsmart to get KMR for the kittens. I was entirely out, so there was no waiting until Saturday.

Molly loves Petsmart. She snarls and barks at the big dogs and doesn't seen to understand why they are then reluctant to make friends. She LOVES the kids. Loves, loves, loves the kids. And the parents love her...this cute soft little wiggly dog. I need to make sure I keep her nails clipped. Molly made up to a toddler that looked to be about three, and a young man who may have been learning disabled. Dad told the young man to get right down on the floor with her, and indeed he did, cuddling with Molly the entire time I was checking out.

I made her a tag with their annoying engraving machine. Now she jingles very loudly with both a tag and her license. Ugh. Hate that.

I've discovered that having a dog is a bit of a guy magnet! I'll have to keep that in mind when I'm actually interested, LOL!

When I got home it was:

Walk Molly
Put away the bird feeders
Take care of the cat facility, including dumping cat boxes as tomorrow is trash day
Dump cat boxes in the house
Feed the kittens
Feed the cats
Feed Molly
Clean the kitchen.
Ignore the pile of trash by the door as I'm too tired to haul it all down to the trash cans by the barn, and raccoons will rip it open if I put it on the porch.

I was looking forward to watching a Netflix movie tonight, as I need something to make me laugh. But now it's midnight!

Do I watch it, or go to bed?

(Post-note: I watched it!)

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