Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I did more than one post on the Wildrun blog...

So that counts for one post here. :) Right?

Okay, okay, I'll post something.

My system, I believe, is slowly going into shock over three warm semi-sunny days in a row, with the possibility of another tomorrow. I got my recycling out before dark (gasp) and my dishes are done before bedtime. AND I scooped the cat boxes in the house. The cat facility cat boxes get scooped twice a day, but my poor house cats sometimes end up giving me the hairy eyeball because I've forgotten them. I haven't yet cleaned the fish tank yet. I did get Linda's check in the mail. I didn't get a thank-you note written today, but I did paint my front door (one home-improvement done each day---check!). I even washed my kitchen garbage can and did three loads of cat laundry.

Ah, and Lynn from work just IM'd me to say GO TO BED!

So I'm going. Good night!

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