Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Getting life in order

It has become clear that 24 hours in a day is simply not enough. Or, perhaps it could be, if I didn't pause to wait seconds thinking "What do I do next?"

So I'm making a list. Yes, indeed, I'm plotting every moment of my day. I figure it will take two weeks to work the bugs out (and new kitties have already thrown a wrench in the works--argh!), but this morning for example, I've already gotten thank-you notes written (one EVERY day), blogged (EVERY day), done one thing I promised to do (helped publicize Stray Haven pancake breakfast), and done some work for, well, Work. I'm now headed out to the cat facility, and will throw a load of laundry in before I go.

I have a daily checklist of things I have to do every single day, from morning to night (including my tasks for my job)and then a list of evening things to do for each night of the week.

It's pretty sad to have to have a checklist to get everything done. I mean, should I really need to be reminded to "Bring in three loads of wood" and to tell myself "Monday evening, recycling; Tuesday evening, clean fish tank?" I'm hoping I won't need it for more than the summer, and then things will be under control and the routine will be ingrained.

However, I really need to get to a point in my life where, for example, the fish tank is cleaned every week and always looks nice, rather than only getting cleaned when it looks like it needs it (or a week after I notice it looks like it needs it).

100% of my anxiety is just thinking about things I haven't gotten done. If I get most things done---less anxiety, right? Sounds good to me!


Alice said...


Remember to add: "Have Fun!" to your daily to-do-list!


Kristina Strain said...

Uggh, fish tank cleaning is The Pits. We finally got fed up with it and added a plecostomus to our tank, who keeps the sides nice and shiny. Now, if only there was some creature I could buy to suck the dirt out of our carpets!

Anonymous said...

I am completely the same right now. I have cards in my diary for things like Vacumn, Wash the Dishes, Water the Plants.... only because my head is so spaghetti right now. It is only temporary, to help me through this troublesome little spot I'm in right now. As soon as the routine is back in place I won't need them anymore, they're just a little bit of exactly what you say - anxiety prevention.

We all have little wobbles, but we're Weebles and WE WON'T FALL DOWN!