Friday, January 23, 2009


What a week. I'd love to fill you in on my work this work, but as I handle complaints, that part of my job is something I can't go into in detail despite how fascinating the tales would be.

After four years of dealing with mostly lovely people, but unfortunately quite a few not-so-lovely people, it has finally begun to stop cutting me to the heart. I have finally come to comprehend that there are people who are not mortified by their inhumane or unethical behavior. I can talk to them until they are blue in the face, and they will still tell me what an unfair horrible person I am, and how I am DISCRIMINATING again them when there are people out there who are doing much, much worse than they.

Yes, really. They will even send me lists of people who are doing just what they are doing, or worse. And I say, "Thank you, I'll look into these." If you are pulled over for driving 88 in a 55 mph zone, do you think the cop is going to let you off because other people are doing 100? "Here's your ticket, ma'am, and now I'm off to go catch that 100 mph driver, have a nice day and see you in court."

I have talked to people with dead animals in their home who have told me that they are not guilty of cruelty...not because there weren't dead animals in their home, but because the court papers said the floor under the dead animal was carpeted when in fact it was wood.

Not kidding.

This week, the lessons I tried to teach included one that I'm having to repeat more and more often: That if you put an adoption fee of $200-$400 on a pet, it damned well better be fixed.

If you are confused by why I would even have to write the statement above, then you might understand why this has been a tough week.

Needless to say, even though I often answer email and make phone calls on the weekends, I am glad when Friday rolls around. While many nights I may work a couple hours over quitting time, on Friday I snap the laptop closed, grab a cat, and dance a little happy dance.

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