Up on the hill I have a cabin. I've never stayed there. Some of Mark's college kids camped up there, and there is a hunter and his son who use it each year. Over the years, we've allowed different neighbors and friends to hunt, but they've been more interested in trophies than taking doe off our overpopulated hill. A buck is just one deer. A doe is three deer - herself and the two fawns she would have in spring. If a deer is going to be shot on this hill, it needs to benefit the population, not just put antlers on someone's wall. We finally found someone who would hunt for meat, and he's been hunting here for two years so far.
The cabin has suffered from the weather, so when the hunter offered money this year to use the land, I said "fix up the cabin instead." He, and sometimes his son, have been up there five or six times this summer so I thought I'd go up and see what they accomplished.
Quite a lot. The roof has been painted with roof sealant. The ceiling inside has been painted (to wipe out the old leak marks, to check for new leak marks). They built a little stone threshold, cut down a bunch of old dead trees, moved a lot of junk, and even raked, it looks like.
They even brought up a carpet and a piece of vinyl flooring. I hope the mice don't eat it! And, speaking of which, they even laid out mouse traps (which are unsprung).
The son made a sign, and his father brought it up one day and nailed it to the cabin.
I suppose I should fire up the heater to make sure it is working, and get some water up there so they have something to put out campfires. Maybe I should put a gutter on that cabin and just get a rain barrel. Anyway, I was pleased to see the cabin wasn't going to fall down this year or next.