Friday, July 31, 2009

One of the problems with blogging... that it tends to take the place of regular journaling. Of course, you can write anything you want in a journal (unless you have a little sister in the house who will find it no matter where you hide it). You ought not write anything you'd like on your blog.

If you blog a lot, you find that you often "blog while living...." sort of writing posts in your head while doing things throughout the day. Obviously all those real-time creations don't end up in the blog. Probably almost none of them do.

So when I get the urge to post something...unwise. Or something that with ultimately make me look the long run. I just sit down at my computer and look for the music and links that I might use in such a post, and after about a half hour, I'm content.

Then I run off into the sunshine, happy to have "posted" my frustration out, but pleased with my restraint.

and there you go.

1 comment:

Sharyn Ekbergh said...

yup. I don't write much personal stuff on the blog because everyone in the family reads it and some of them I wish didn't know about it. My husband will critique my photos and everyone comments on what I've written!