Friday, December 12, 2008

I'm working on resolutions this weekend

Actually, I changed my "to-do" list, which was an outright failure, to a "I hate that I..." list.

It's a lot more effective. However one of the things on the list is "I hate that I don't get to bed by 11:30" and it's 11:30, so I'm afraid it will have to wait until tomorrow.

However I will post my Craigslist score today, the final piece of furniture I needed to complete my move downstairs:

It's an armoire for the downstairs bathroom to hold my day-to-day clothes, so I don't have to venture up into the cold unheated upstairs after my shower. It replaces the cherry dresser that was Mark's. It has a rack for hanging clothes, three drawers, a shelf, and jeans can be folded and sit on the bottom under the hanging tops. You are being treated to the armoire's Craigslist photo because unfortunately it is still in the truck, being too large for me to get to the house myself, and the snow is too deep for me to drive around back to the great room entrance. I'm sure I'll sucker some passerby into helping me out tomorrow.

I bought it from a family in Brooktondale. I arrived just as they got back from sledding--mom, three kids, and their SPCA puppy, bless them!

Thank goodness for Craigslist and friends. It took six months, but the house is finally a home, and functional, and it was a cheap fix. Everything was between $5 and $80 (or, in the case of friends, free). Everything downstairs can be cleaned off and cleaned under. Most of my clutter is gone. Things I never use are gone. New things I get will only be things I need, and really, I need very little--almost nothing.

It's a nice feeling. A relief, really.

Now it's time to get to work on the cat facility!

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