Sunday, May 23, 2010

Justifying buying a new car...

Anytime I make a huge purchase, I always suffer buyer's remorse---well, not so much "remorse" as justification. I always worry the day after I buy something I'll learn it cost too much, or is the worst car on the market, etc., especially since I buy sight-unseen.

I was happy to see a couple of articles that indicated (so far!) that I hadn't screwed up buying my Kia. This article rates it as one of the top ten least expensive cars to own.

This one really made me laugh. This article tells you which affordable cars will make you look rich, and the Kia Soul tops the list.

I haven't yet seen another Soul on the road since I bought this one. I have been approached twice by people who are thinking about buying one, and wanted my feedback. I had to admit A) I love the car but B) don't hit any potholes or you'll break a tooth, and C) the stripped-down version is great. In fact, I find it a lot classier that some of the "upscale" models.

Of course, then there is the Best Automotive Ad of the Year" award.


possumlady said...

Just wanted to let you know that I was driving home from work a couple of days ago and saw this really neat looking car. I strained to see what it was--yes it was the Kia Soul!! Very sharp looking! You made a good purchase...

Chrissykat said...

Just read an article on AOL by Kelly Blue Book that rated "The Coolest Cars under 18K" and the Kia Soul was #5. See, you are one cool-cat! Hope you're enjoying your new wheels!