Monday, November 30, 2009

A "Tiger" is remoted related to cat topics

And besides, this is my personal blog, so if I want to talk about something other than cats, I can.

The "Tiger Woods Accident" is a perfect mirror for our sad media society. The man drove out of his driveway in a manner (too fast, too aggressive, didn't pay attention, any of the above) that resulted in an accident. His wife heard it, ran out, and aided him. A neighbor called police for assistance. Tiger was taken to the hospital and was released. In a one-car accident that doesn't involve alcohol, you provide your personal information, license, and insurance to the police. While it always helps to know why you mashed the gas, it's not required by law to reveal it.

If you are speeding, you get a ticket for going 80. You don't have to share that the reason you were speeding is because you wanted to catch your husband cheating on you.

But now, the media feels that Tiger has "something to hide" for not telling us WHY he peeled out of his driveway.

Let's entertain some scenarios.

He got in a fight with his wife and roared out of the drive in a huff, secretly hoping she'd be worried for him as he zoomed out onto the road.

He needed a six-pack to entertain a buddy and was headed to the stop-and-shop (but hadn't had too much to drink yet, because "alcohol was not a factor" in the accident) and wanted to get back quickly so "Larry the Cable Guy" wasn't on pause too long in Netflix.

A friend called in desperation and needed someone to talk to.

He was half asleep and realized he'd forgotten something incriminating at a woman's (not his wife) apartment.

He was sleep-driving.

His dog was lost and someone called to say they saw the pup jogging down I-95.

Are any of these anyone's business?

The media is expressing shock that he won't at least share his "reasons" with police. Of course, the 911 tape has already been released, and anything additional he would share with police would become public record. Is is any surprise that he's not sharing details of his personal life?

What do I say? Good for you, Tiger! It's nobody's business but your own WHY you made a stupid step on your accelerator pedal. You should have been smarter. If you'd killed someone, you would have had to suffer the consequences. But whether it was because you'd were pissed because you'd forgotten to buy cranberry relish earlier that evening or because you had a fight with your beloved is nobody's business.

You aren't voting against gay marriage stating that it's immoral (while cheating on your wife). You aren't leading my church. If you were, yeah, I'd want to know, because hey, you took a vow, and it's possible you broke it.

But you play golf. So it just ain't my business.

Tell the media to go bark up another tree.

I'm sure if I backed out of my driveway, spitting gravel, and ran over that steep bank across my road, panicked, and ended up in my creek, would anyone be camped outside my house because I failed to reveal whether it was because someone saw a kitten on Halsey Valley Road or because I was headed out to puncture my ex's tires? Would anyone even think to ask?

Not bloody likely.

Thank goodness.

You go, Wood's family. Let them have a coronary because you won't spill your personal life. Yahoo has your wife labeled as a "mystery woman" tonight, because they don't have anything else to trumpet.

Even when they have nothing to say, the media will find something to say.

The very fact that media outlets are acting like rabid idiots when they have nothing at all to report indicates to me that they would be screaming mobs of idiocy if they were given even sliver of a reason.

Do we honestly think the media would shake Tiger's hand and say "Thank you, we wish you well" and walk away if he said "I had a disagreement with my wife and wanted to go for a drive to clear my head?" No one is that big a fool.

Especially Tiger Woods. If he wanted to share, he'd start a blog. ;)


c said...

this is how i felt about all the clinton uproar. of course i'd have been upset if he were MY husband, or my clergyman, but how is it my business what the heck he does in private? tho, i am not thrilled that sports people (mostly men) get paid SOOO much for doing so little. so if he loses endorsements, i probably won't cry for him. when, as a society, we celebrate cat rescuers, musicians, teachers, scientists, etc, with anything close to the same fervor the world will be a much better, saner place.

cathy said...

i agree with you 100%

rheather said...

I had heard about the accident one day and then the next thing I heard it had blown up into this huge mystery?! Really, it's nobody's business but theirs, no matter what.

Maybe Brittney or Paris will feel neglected and draw some attention to themselves-and away from people who don't want it.