With a car full of cats in traps on the way back, I remembered the door and pulled over. I trotted across the highway to look and the closer I got, the more certain I was that the washed out sign would say something like "$20" and not "Free" like I hoped. None of the glass panes were broken, there were no dog chews, it had the original hardware, and the doorknob was glass.
Once I got up to it, I made out the blurred word. "Free. Solid wood." Holy crap. Why hadn't anyone picked this up? Probably because it was so far from the road, everyone else, like myself, assumed it was for sale.
I went to pick it up and realized I was about to look very silly. It was extremely heavy, and I somehow had to get it in a compact car full of cats. I made it across the road, trying to look like I wasn't about to tip over, took the headrest off the front passenger seat, and was able to rest one end on the road and gently slide it in over the cats, braced at an angle on the passenger seat back.
I continue to be shocked at what the Kitty Kia (Soul) will hold.
On the way home I tried to think where I needed a door. It was an exterior door, but I certainly wasn't going to put a glass door on the exterior of my house. My home is old but doesn't look old inside. It looks rather like a 60's makeover, and I've worked hard to try and restore some charm to it. The door would help. I decided it would look nice on the bedroom. A curtain on the door would be privacy enough, here. The bolt lock works from the side of the door, although the key to work it from the outside is missing. I might be able to get a key fashioned, which would be great if anyone ever moved in up there. It would look great if I ever did sell the house, and the extra door could live in the barn so if a new person objected to having a see-through bedroom door, they could just put the original door back and use the antique door elsewhere.

Last night I measured the existing bedroom door, and wonder of wonders, the width is exactly the same! The antique door is taller, but I can cut it down with some careful measuring.
I took a minute to look online and found a chewed-up similar antique door, 36", $795 plus $125 freight. Thank you, unknown Rt 34/96 homeowner, for the beautiful door.
Amazing. Some day I may actually have a nice looking house from end to end.
beautiful, Susan!
What a great find!
Holy crap is right! Nice find for sure! Love to re-purpose & re-use great things like this.
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