Some of you may recall that awhile ago I set up a checklist to maintain a sort of minimal functioning sanity. It worked fairly well for awhile, but like all rigid things, fell by the wayside. Fortunately it did pass on a certain rhythm to my days, which was the whole point.
I have since acquired a desire to finish (REALLY finish) my job by 6:00 pm each day (Apologies to colleagues who have now alarmed their mates and pets by guffawing loudly over their morning coffee). I don't mind starting two hours early, but I don't want to continue two hours past quitting time. So the list is coming out again for a major overhaul.
There is a notable difference between the last list and this list. The last list placed "things to do" one at a time. This list recognizes that "one-at-a-time" isn't going to cut it. So it starts out with "Make coffee/wash dishes/pick-up," moves onto "laundry/bathroom," progresses to "birdfeeders/fetch paper" and ends up at "Break on porch/check work messages."
Alas, I'm at "break on porch" and as I try to check my messages, the voice mail system thwarts my good intentions by ringing busy. I now waste five vital minutes calling my work phone from my home phone (and vice versa) to make sure the issue is indeed the voice mail system and not my phones (it is indeed the voice mail).
Curses!! So I shall blog instead, since that also needs to be included on the checklist somewhere.
Post Note: Gremlins at large. The laundry didn't spin out! Oh well. Moving onto "save faxes/take a shower."
lists are overrated, yet fun to check off as each is accomplished. yet at the end of the day, no matter how many items one crosses off their "list" one is still left facing the mountain of the next is there ever, really, being "done"?? I've quit resisting what persists and the lists that accompany that never ending list of things to do...THERE IS NO GETTING DONE! I'm practicing what I gave my word to, and doing that. It's our lives, we get to say who/what makes the list; we get to say we're "done." And we get to choose to take time to enjoy a friend's blogs :) Now let's go make a difference for others - that's what YOU are here for :)_
Lists are good. They allow you to clear your head for other thoughts, ideas, inspirations, memories, etc. It's always a nice feeling to check things off & see progress. Just don't be a slave to it! Always keep "break on porch" on that list (in ink!). Give yourself time to write & enjoy your fuzzies & I think the rhythm & balance will find you.
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