Monday, March 1, 2010

Old farm photos

Gretchen knocked on my door one day in 2006. She had lived here as a child and wanted to know if she could wander around. A few months later she sent me some photos:

If you've ever visited the cabin in the forest on the hill, the poultry coop in this photo might look awfully familiar.

I can't begin to tell you how many 50-plus year-old guys stop and say "Hey, I used to live here. Did you know this was a commune?" Half the time they are thinking of Owl Creek Farm further down the road, but some of them did indeed live here. I imagine a lot of folks called this place home over the years, more as transients than "commune" members. I have the old abstract, and the place changed hands a lot in recent years.

And I think this is Gretchen, coming up the front hill:

Gretchen now owns Gunn Creek Farm, and you'll see her childhood farm mentioned right on her website.

And we both graduated from Ithaca College. How about that? And never met while we were there.

The farm is also the birthplace of Woodbridge Ferris, senator and founder of what is now Ferris State University. Here is the original cabin on the property, where he was born. My house (and his life on this farm) is mentioned in his biography here under "The New Home."

1 comment:

Kristina Strain said...

Wow, I had no idea the cabin on the hill used to be a chicken coop! I love old photos.