Monday, January 2, 2012

When people get what they wanted...

You can check our Randy Glasbergen's cartoon's here. He went to school with my sister and always wanted to be a cartoonist. And made it. Every time one of his cartoons pops up in a magazine I'm reading I think, "See, you can become what you dream of being." I'm sure he worked his ass off to do it. Perhaps with naps taken strategically.


Strayer said...

Thank you so much Susan for the eye meds, cat figure and the necklace. I wrote a card to you, but am currently without stamps, so have not sent it. That is such a huge help to me, and to people I run into, trying to care for a sick kitten with goopy eyes. It's a huge blessing to receive that. I love the necklace so much!

Susan said...

I'll be sure to mention to the person who gifted me with the eye meds that they are helping cats literally from coast to coast. :) I found the necklace in Nashville TN--I liked the stones and the crystal and couldn't pass it by. I made the little cat. I wish the eye meds would be endless. I'm going to hate having to pay for them again. We'll just have to be happy with the temporary blessing!

Strayer said...

It is wonderful. The same colony where the tame stray came from, the woman caught a kitten. The kittens mom is fixed already and the woman had already taken in the kittens siblings. The kitten is very sick. I told her I had something might help and took her over one of the tube's that had just arrived from you. It was a huge help.

You made that cat? How? I wore the necklace to the Snipped clinic yesterday, all the way down, and back! Thank you. I love it, so beautiful. Yes, those little tubes are very expensive. Wonderful gift.