Saturday, December 11, 2010

Winter clamps its ruthless hands down on Owl Creek

I used to like winter. I don't much anymore. I guess it's primarily because everything costs money. Fuel oil, wood, electric, snow tires. It's always dark, so I tend not to go out at night. It's dark when I go out to take care of the cats in the morning; it's dark when I go out after work at night.

I celebrate when the first day of winter arrives---not for the sake of winter, but because from then on, the days get longer, and each day is one day closer to spring.

I fired up the woodstove for the first time tonight. I've been holding off so that the wood I have lasts through the coldest part of the year. It's much more bearable in here with the fire going. The temperature stays more constant, rather than going up and down with the furnace. The bedroom is above the den where the stove resides, so it is warmer.

The cats and the dog, of course, are happy because they can bask.

I broke out the Christmas cards, and I've been learning Silent Night on the mandolin. I still can't bring myself to put up a real Christmas tree, but I have my two little artificial trees up.

It's Friday night and I face two days that will go far too fast. But I'll do what I can with them. We all do.

Things always look better when the sun shines.

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